位於⽇本沖繩的⻄表島,被譽為沖繩的美麗秘境之⼀,然⽽在這座寧靜、⼈煙稀少的⼩島上, 卻曾有⼀段牽扯進台灣礦⼯與⽇治時期礦業開發的悲慘歷史。
時間:18:00 – 20:30(17:30報到)
地點:台文講堂 · 力行校區大門口(小東路上)
報名:https://forms.gle/qB27QLA27A5yBSzDA 11月26日(六)前報名將提供餐點
機會難逢 歡迎系外師生報名參加
出⽣台灣淡⽔⼩基隆(今新北市三芝)的橋間良⼦, 10歲時被養⽗帶來了沖繩⻄表島。如今「⽩濱」已無多⼈居住。
Department of Taiwanese Literature, National Cheng Kung University presents a Special Screening of Green Jail
Short Synopsis
There remains only silence in the “Green Jail,” the once upon a time large-scale mining village located on Iriomote Island, Okinawa, Japan. Before World War II, under Greater East Asia Imperialism, “Green Jail” imprisoned thousands of miners. These miners were from Kyushu, and other places of Japan, as well as Japanese colonies: Taiwan and Korea. The miners who were forced to work there, many of whom also contracted and died from malaria. As for the “Taiwanese miners,” the morphine injection was prevalent so that they could work nonstop day and night.
Grandma Hashima, now 90 years old, is the adopted daughter of the Taiwanese head miner, Yang Tien-fu. With hardly any visitors, grandma lives alone in an old and shaggy wooden house by the “jail on the sea” where her family once lived, she recounts her experience of the coal mine days on the island. What happened in the coal mine? Grandma’s adoptive father, who recruited hundreds of Taiwanese miners to “Green Jail,” knowing or not they could never return home… Was he an oppressor or the oppressed victim of Japanese Imperialism? Through her memories of guilt, pain, anger, and the miseries of the past 80 years, this film also portrays the last years of Grandma Hashima’s life.
Taiwan, Japan, France / Documentary / 101 mins / 2K / 2021 / Directed by HUANG Yin-yu
World Premiere at Osaka Asian Film Festival 2021
Nominated for “Best Documentary” of Taipei Film Awards, Taipei Film Festival 2021
Date: Tue., 29 Nov 2022, 18:00 – 20:30 (registration starts at 17:30)
Venue: Lecture Hall (台文講堂), Dept. of Taiwanese Literature, National Cheng Kung University
Post-screening discussant: Prof. Fang-Chih Yang (Dept. of Taiwanese Literature)
Registration: https://forms.gle/qB27QLA27A5yBSzDA (Light meals are provided for those who register before Sat, 26 Nov.)