Workshop / micro-course of “Healings in the Multi-cultural Context”
What is healing and its definition? Is it a restoration of physical condition, psycologically feeling comfortable, or achieving proper living condition? Why human beings need healings, and how people are healed? How human beings hunderstand pains and traumas, and when facing that how do they adopt cultural habitus to deal with and relieve them? This workshop / course is designed to explore physical, psycological, and spiritual healings in a diverse multi-cultural society from the perspectives of historiography, religious studies, psycology, sociology, theology, and performing art etc. It shall provides students and academics with various apporoaches to investigate the culture of healing, and to reflect on the boundary between Science and Superstition, that shall point out the possibilty of dialogue between the traditional medical treaments and alternative means.
8: 30-8: 50導論
9:00-9:50許宏彬 / 小診所大醫師:往診、在宅醫療與小鎮醫師的回歸
10:00-10:50張文耀 /心的療癒與方向
11:00-11:50劉韋廷 / 從庶民醫療到身心療癒:臺灣漢人宗教醫療研究
13:00-13:50陳玉女 / 明清佛教身心靈的治療經驗
14:00-14:50林美容 / 佛法深層療心之奧秘
15:00-15:50邱炫元 / 台灣印尼穆斯林移工之網路聆聽與唸誦的療癒
16:00-16:50吳青泰 / 信仰重建之「療遇」:敘利亞穆斯林流離社群生活探索
影片導讀 8: 30-8: 50
9:00-10:30陳梅卿 楊一樂 / 台灣民間信仰與民俗療癒
10:40-11:30盧佳慧 / 印度-圖博醫藥發展探索
11:40-13:00林仁謙 蘭慧慈 / 基督宗教靈性療癒的實踐
14:00-14:50陳佳彬 /戲劇遊戲性之身心平衡治療
15:00-16:30馬薇茜 倪瀅瀅 / 藝術行動療癒:從體驗到自我實踐
綜合討論 16:30-17: 00