Name |
KAO, Shin-Mei (高實玫) |
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Tel |
(06)2757575 ext. 52001 |
Current Position |
Dean, College of Liberal Arts, NCKU Professor, Department of Foreign Languages & Literature, NCKU |
Education |
PhD, Foreign Language Education, The Ohio State University, USA MA in English Studies, Nottingham University, UK BA, Foreign Languages & Literature, NCKU |
Research Fields |
Discourse Analysis, Language Assessment, Multilingual Education, ESP, EMI |
Previous Work Experiences |
· Vice Dean, College of Liberal Arts, NCKU · Director of Chinese Language Center, NCKU · Director of Foreign Language Center, NCKU |
Selective Publications |
Books (專書) 鄒文莉,高實玫。(編著)(2018)。CLIL教學資源書—探索學科內容與語言整合教學。台北:書林。(Exploring CLIL: A resource book. Tsou, Wenli & Kao, Shin-Mei. (Eds.) (2017). English as a medium of instruction in higher education: Implementations and classroom practices in Taiwan. Singapore: Springer. ISBN 978-981-10-4644-5. Kao, Shin-Mei. (2015). Narrative development of school children: Studies from multilingual families in Taiwan. Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media Singapore Pte Ltd Kao, Shin-Mei, & O'Neill, Cecily. (1998). Words into worlds: Learning a second language through process drama. Stamford, CT: Ablex. Journal Articles and Book Chapters (期刊論文及專章) 高實玫、高郁婷、鍾昀真。(2022)。〈第八章 全球在地化臺灣雙語教學的評量基準〉。載於鄒文莉、黃怡萍(主編),《臺灣雙語教學資源書:全球在地化課程設計與教學實踐》(155-172頁)。臺北:書林出版有限公司。 高實玫、林盈字、郭蔓萱。(2022)。〈第十二章 全球在地化的雙語教學實力與分析:以國小和國中雙語數學為例〉。載於鄒文莉、黃怡萍(主編),《臺灣雙語教學資源書:全球在地化課程設計與教學實踐》(279-308頁)。臺北:書林出版有限公司。 高實玫、鄒文莉。(2021)。〈雙語教育不等於英語教育: 建立臺灣模式的雙語教育〉。載於財團法人黃昆輝教授教育基金會(主編),《台灣的雙語教育:挑戰與對策》(253-275頁)。臺北:財團法人黃昆輝教授教育基金會。 Kao, S.-M., Tsou, W., & Chen, C. (2021). Chapter 5 Translanguaging Strategies for EMI Instruction in Taiwanese Higher Education. In W. Tsou & W. Baker (Eds.), English-Medium Instruction Translanguaging Practices in Asia, pp. 81-99. Springer, Singapore. 高實玫。(2021)。素養導向雙語課程設計及實例探索。《教育研究期刊》。第321期,44-61頁。(TSSCI 第一級) 高實玫。(2021)。邁向國際化大學之英語政策。《臺灣教育評論月刊》,大學生英外語能力專刊。第九卷 第九期,36-40頁。 Chen, Fay, Kao, Shin-Mei, & Tsou, Wenli. (2020). Toward ELF-informed bilingual in Taiwan: Addressing incongruity between policy and practice. English Teaching & Learning, 44(2), 175-191. (THCI核心期刊 第一級) 曾靖雅,陸偉明,高實玫。(2020)。遠距課輔教學在國中⽣的英語口語學習成效。《臺北市立⼤學學報》,第51卷第1期教育類, 35-52頁。 高實玫。(2020)。第十章 英文科差異化教學在補救教學的應用。收錄於陸偉明編著,《補救教學:理論與應用》。台北:心理出版社。 Kao, Shin-Mei. (2019). Chapter 12 ESP/ESAP in Taiwan. In H. Terauchi, J. Noguchi, & A. Tajino (Eds.), Towards a new paradigm for English language teaching: Current ESP perspectives in Asia and beyond. Albingdon, UK: Routledge. 高實玫。(2018)。第五章 如何檢視CLIL學習表現 。收錄於鄒文莉,高實玫 編著,《CLIL教學資源書—探索學科內容與語言整合教學》,67-86頁。台北:書林。 高實玫。(2018)。第十一章 CLIL在健康與體育領域的應用。收錄於鄒文莉,高實玫 編著,《CLIL教學資源書—探索學科內容與語言整合教學》,169-180頁。台北:書林。 Tsou, Wenli & Kao, Shin-Mei. (2017). Overview of EMI development. In Wenli Tsou & Shin-Mei Kao (Eds.) English as a medium of instruction in higher education: Implementations and classroom practices in Taiwan, pp. 3-18. Singapore: Springer. ISBN 978-981-10-4644-5. Kao, Shin-Mei & Liao, Hsin-Tien. (2017). Developing glocalized materials for EMI courses in the humanities. In Wenli Tsou & Shin-Mei Kao (Eds.) English as a medium of instruction in higher education: Implementations and classroom practices in Taiwan, pp. 147-162. Singapore: Springer. ISBN 978-981-10-4644-5 Kao, Shin-Mei, & Kuo, Chun-Wei. (2017). Developing computer-assisted speaking tests for science and engineering students. English as a Global Language Education Journal, 2(2), 63-90. Kao, Shin-Mei. (2017). The organizational patterns of first graders on three narrative tasks. In Susanne Garvis & Niklas Pramling (Eds.), Narratives in early childhood education: Communication, sense making and lived experience, pp. 130-146. New York, NY: Routledge. Tsou, Wenli, & Kao, Shin-Mei. (2016). Developing ESAP screening tests for science and engineering. Taiwan International ESP Journal, 8(2), 1-29. Kao, Shin-Mei. (2016). Teaching ELF presentation for academic purposes. In Leung, Yiu-nam (Ed.), Epoch making in English language teaching and learning: A special monograph for celebration of ETA-ROC’s 25th anniversary, pp. 287-296. Taipei: Crane Publishing. ISBN 978-986-147-758-9. 鄒文莉,陳慧琴,高實玫,蔡美玲。(2016)。以全球競合力養成為目標之大學英語教育:以國立成功大學為例。《教育研究與發展期刊》,12(3), 107-130. DOI 10.3966/181665042016091203005. (TSSCI 第一級). [Tsou, Wenli, Chen, Fay, Kao, Shin-Mei, & Tsai, Mei-Ling. (2016). Integrate global competence into college English education: Using National Cheng Kung University as an example. Journal of Educational Research and Development, 12(3), 107-130] 高實玫 (2016). 台灣英語教育師資培育與評量智能養成。《語言之道:學習∙評量∙文化》。No. 7, 56-59。 Kao, Shin-Mei, & Wang, Wen-Chun. (2014). Lexical and organizational features in effective ELF presentation. International Journal of English as Lingua Franca, 3(1), 49-79. DOI 10.1515/jelf-2014-0003.
Honors & Awards |
2017 Outstanding Curriculum Design of Community Service Course, Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan Course video: 2014 Outstanding Group for Community Service, Youth Development Administration, Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan |