


Due to the increasing cases of COVID-19, please perform a rapid test first before you return to the campus on Apr. 6 if you suspect possible infection

To all faculty, staffs, and students,

Due to the increasing case number of COVID-19 please abide by the following epidemic prevention measures and pay attention to your health.

  1. If you have overlapping footprints of the confirmed cases, please go to the rapid test station in NCKU to receive screening at working hours on Apr. 6th, or purchase a rapid test kit yourself. Confirm the negative status before you return to the campus.
  2. If you feel unwell, such as fever or airway symptoms, please seek medical attention as soon as possible and report the travel history or contact history.
  3. If you are tested positive for COVID-19 by self-test or PCR conducted in hospital, please notify NCKU campus security report center. 24-hour hotline: (06)2381187 or ext. 55555

Regards from NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus

Apr. 5, 2022