


The regulation of the provision of rapid test for COVID-19 in NCKU

To all faculty, staffs, and students,


The Ministry of Education had issued official documents to strengthen campus epidemic prevention recently with COVID-19 rapid screening. Rapid test kits for COVID-19 are sufficient in Taiwan now, and it is easier to purchase as part of epidemic prevention than in the past. Considering the policy and the current situation of the epidemic, the regulation of the provision of rapid test for COVID-19 are revised as follows. 


1.If you (including faculty, staffs, and students) have suspected symptoms of COVID-19, you may make an appointment through the NCKU Announcement Platform APP (KUAP), and then receive a rapid test kit at Center for Occupational safety and Health and Environmental Protection. (up to one test kit per day)


2.The purchase of rapid test should be included in the plan funds when each department or division plans to conduct activities and courses. When the faculty or staffs would like to conduct charge-free and non-ordinary activities/courses for official business, submitting an activity proposal, stating the content of the activity, the number of days, the number of staff and the number of rapid test kits expected to use are required before receiving rapid test kits from the Environmental Safety and Health Center. (Based on a maximum of 1 test kit per person per day, up to 5 test kits per person for each activity) This rule does not apply if the activity or course is regular official business of faculty and staff or a fee-based activity.


Regards from NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus

July 29, 2022