NCKU Epidemic Prevention Announcement for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
By NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus
(2020/04/01 17:00)
Dear Colleagues and Students,
Report Daily Health Condition during Vacation
During the Tomb Sweeping Day and when participating in school events, please report your daily health condition and personal footprints via NCKU COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention Platform(https://tinyurl.com/qw4p2un). Do not travel abroad without special permission. Keep social distancing and avoid crowded gatherings and places. If you have suspected symptoms such as fever and respiratory illnesses, please go to a doctor as soon as possible to clarify any
doubts. If a doctor arranges a testing, please stay home and do not enter campus or go out before the result is released.
Changes of Real-name Mask System
口罩實名制將自 4 月 9 日起調整部分規定,調整成每 14 天購買,並擴大為成人 9 片或兒童10 片,每張健保卡購買時可任選成人或兒童,而且藥局購買不受身分證末一碼單雙號分流的限制。
Starting April 9, Taiwanese residents will have access to 9 adult-size masks or 10 child-size masks every 14 days. The original limitation of “buying once a week on odd or even days depending on ID number” is also lifted.