【Cross & Art】
In 2024, Tainan City will celebrate its 400th anniversary, marking a significant milestone for the city and National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). The College of Liberal Arts at NCKU has consistently strongly emphasized interdisciplinary studies and practical implementation in its teaching. Therefore, under the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Sprout Project, the Interdisciplinary Program in Drama at NCKU has adopted "Interdisciplinary Performing Arts: Social Practice in Science, Technology, Humanities, and Sustainable Development" as its core strategic initiative.
Through this project-based curriculum and teaching practices, this program aims to integrate "interdisciplinary performing arts," "science, technology, and humanities," "digital humanities," "social practice," and "sustainable development." By aligning with Tainan City's international vision, the program will showcase the diverse aspects of local humanities, arts, and historical development in Tainan and the global arena. Furthermore, it seeks to enhance students' practical skills and foster their appreciation for local performing arts culture. To achieve this, the program will invite industry professionals with expertise and rich experience to deepen and broaden students' employability, cultivating talent for the nation's future development. It will also connect performing arts with explorations in technology, humanities, social relationships, drama therapy, environmental ecology, university social responsibility, and Tainan's cultural heritage, including historical architecture, artifacts, and historical events, integrating these elements into graduate research and undergraduate general education courses.
To this end, this symposium brings together faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and related departments at NCKU with international experts and scholars in related fields. With the theme of " 【 Cross & Art 】 The 2024 Performing Arts and Interdisciplinary Teaching Implementation International Academic Conference," the Conference aims to help young students understand the curriculum planning and achievements of their instructors, thereby deepening their understanding and appreciation of their studies. Ultimately, it strives to implement and promote the "Deepening Drama Education on Campus" goals and SDGs within the College of Liberal Arts at NCKU.
Dates: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 and Thursday, December 5, 2024
Venue: NCKU College of Liberal Arts Lecture Hall (GuangFu Campus)